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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

25 Days of Fitness!

Can you believe its December? Crazy.  Time is just flying by and 2016 will be here before we know it.  But.  Let's not rush through the next month! December is a great month, but a busy month for sure.  In addition to holiday parties and end of year preparations, family traditions, vacations and trips, celebrating the birth of our Savior and more, its hard to add one more thing on our list of To-Do's this month. 

I want you to try to schedule in some time for your health. Below is a sample workout calendar you can try, but feel free to adapt some of the days or exercises to fit your fitness level.  You can check previous blog posts to get resources for strength training days and even for cardio substitutions if you don't enjoy walk/jogs or if the weather wont allow.  There is adaptability for at home or gym workouts as well!  

Keep in mind that just because friends or family are visiting it doesn't mean that you have to skip a workout.  Grab a buddy and get them involved too.  You never know what great habits you might instill on them and there's no better gift than wellness! 

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