I ran the Rock N' Roll Savannah Half Marathon in November and absolutely loved it.
D and I went down on Thursday before the race and after traveling for 8ish hours were relieved to get to our hotel. We checked in and were off to Riverstreet/downtown right away. I had reserved a table for us at Lady & Sons (Paula Deen's restaurant!!) for dinner and was SO excited about going there! The food did not disappoint at all! We ate really great food and I think we did pretty well with healthy-ish options, getting a salad and taking the portion sizes easy. I did spring for my favorite dessert-peach cobbler! D had Gooey cake which is definitely awesome and well worth the calories!! We then hung out around Riverstreet and got drinks at a small pub that I used to go to while in Grad school at Georgia Southern.

The next day we went to Tybee Island, another place I went all the time when I lived here. It was great showing D all of my old stomping grounds! We climbed the lighthouse which I always wanted to do but never did before. D is scared of heights so Im so proud of him for going up there with me. I was out walking around the catwalk and realized I didn't know where he was. I looked back inside and he was just hanging out waiting for me so he wouldn't get too nervous looking down! It was a beautiful view though!
After hanging out at the beach, which was a little chillier than I had hoped we went to the race expo to pick up all of my stuff. It was really fun but after all of the walking I did on Tybee I was getting a little nervous about being on my feet so much. We also had to figure out where we were going to have dinner and such so we didn't spend as much time there as I would have hoped.
We got dinner at Olive Garden that evening, pasta for me!! I was getting REALLY nervous about how much pain I would be in during the race though, so I didn't eat all that much for dinner. Then I laid out all of my things for race morning, foam rolled, got D to give me a back massage and went to bed!