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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Quick Holiday Workouts

Its crunch time yall.  12 days until Christmas, then New Year's right around the corner. I am a one-holiday-at-a-time kind of girl so I'm not rushing past the day our Savior was born and straight through to January.  The point of this post is to recognize that it is a BUSY time of year. There are pageant and plays and caroling, and cookies, family get togethers, work parties, galore. Its hard enough to squeeze in time to spend quality time with family making memories and savoring what the season is really about.

Making your workouts a priority is so very important even through busy times like this though. The main reasons being stress relief and carving out time for yourself!! A few ways to do this could be getting up early in the morning to squeeze in your workout (tell yourself its just until January!), schedule you workout buddy to take a class with you (you'll be much less likely to back out of it!), or try a few quick workouts, as list of which is below! Remember, anything is better than nothing!

Here are three great quick workouts from Runner's World

20 Min workout from Men's Fitness

Or some of my recommended workouts I've created

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